American public transport is rather inadequate, especially when it comes to mid-range intercity transport. And I think it’s worse if you’re not near a large city. I’m currently stuck trying to get a ride back from Philadelphia Airport to Easton, PA. The last Greyhound bus leaves at 4pm and my flight doesn’t get in until about 5:10. I suppose I could take a cab or something, but that would be expensive. A friend of mine who usually gives me rides is unavailable so now I’m not sure how I’m going to get back. Why is there no bus service for later in the evening?
Left my umbrella behind. Again. At some point over the weekend I realized that I’d left my umbrella at the office. I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal because the weekend was bright and sunny, a bit on the hot side actually. Today morning turned out to be dreary and wet. I didn’t realize it was actually raining till I was out of the elevator with just 5 minutes left before the hourly bus left. I managed to run upstairs, grab my jacket, get out of the building on the wrong side, go back through the building to the right side and then run through the rain to grab the bus. Not a very fun start to the day, but at least I made it to the office without being too wet and not too late.