I really want to go deep into a programming language and ecosystem, but every project I can think of involves a different one. The current contenders are Rust, TypeScript and Racket, which are all sufficiently different from one another that any lessons I learn from one probably won't transfer to the others.
Caught a stomach bug and now I have a craving for toast with Nutella.
Today I learned (thanks to Craig Mod) that Braun makes a line of very nice digital alarm clocks. They're not cheap, but not extortionate either.
I really hate the React-ified Github. Everything is much slower, and large pages are almost unusable in Safari.
Oh no, I'm getting my semi-regular urge to build my own text-editor-terminal-thingy again.
I finally sat down and wrote a list of (some of) the projects I want to do. There's probably enough in there to keep me busy for a couple of years, but for now let's just see how much I can get done by the end of the year. And that means I'll probably be writing a lot of TypeScript in the near future. That's not ideal, but TypeScript seems like the most suitable tool at hand for the time being.
I really hate how in 2024 putting decent sidenotes on a webpage requires one of JavaScript, non-semantic HTML, or a site generator to do the reasonably correct thing.
My therapist gave me homework today. Between that, staying with my parents, and spending a lot of time working on my website and other web-related stuff, it's like I'm 16 all over again.
I brought over my research page to Version 4. I'm once again pleased with how (reasonably) straightforward it has become to build nice layouts with modern CSS. Thank you past me for writing good, semantic HTML which made it easy to move the page over from Version 3.
There are also new OpenGraph images which should make for nicer previews on social media platforms.